During baptism, the congregation promises to do everything we can to help those being baptized grow into the full stature of Christ. Our Discipleship Formation (what many used to call Christian Education) program supports this commitment, seeking to enable participants to know and respond to God as revealed through his Son, Jesus Christ, through Holy Scripture, and through the traditions of the church. 

We engage Discipleship Formation as a formative process in our lifelong journey to live out our faith in community in service to God and our neighbors and offer formation events and programs for all ages.

Godly Play (Age 4 - 8 years)

Godly Play is a curriculum for children modeled after the Montessori method of education. It is based on the assumption that children can-and do-experience God, but at their own developmental levels. Different from many traditional forms of Christian education, Godly Play provides children with the tools to encounter God. In Godly Play, the invitation is given not for play in general but for play with the language of God and God’s people: through sacred stories (Old and New Testaments), parables, and liturgical actions. Through this powerful language, the wondering, and the use of various materials, children develop their own creative capacities for making meaning of their relationship with God. Children in Godly Play grow in their faith while having fun together as a community.

Godly Play is taught by volunteers and is offered during the Discipleship Formation hour from 11:30-12:30. All children’s classes meet downstairs. 

Godly Wonder (Age 9 - 12 years)

Building on the strong foundation of Godly Play, Godly Wonder takes the students deeper into the sacred stories and parables. More time is spent wondering about the history, the messages, and the student’s own reaction to the situations faced by the stories characters. Classroom experiences are structured around digging into the stories and exploring ways to apply the scripture to their daily lives. This is a time to cultivate the children’s love for the Bible and equip them with helpful practices for knowing God and His word in a more personal way. It is also a time to help build a greater sense of belonging to the community with their peers and to encourage them to be more responsible and caring with each other.

Godly Wonder is taught by volunteers and is offered during the Discipleship Formation hour from 11:30-12:30. All children’s classes meet downstairs. 

G.R.E.Y. (Students 6th - 12th grade)

We have recently joined the Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth program. Founded as a joint mission between St. Mark’s and St. Andrew’s Episcopal churches, it strives to “connect the youth of our diocese to each other, our communities, and Christ through weekly formation, monthly social events and outreach activities.” For more information and to learn about current activities click here.

Jeff Brown has been Director of Youth Ministries for G.R.E.Y. since 2011. He lives with his wife, Angie, and two teenage sons in Grand Rapids. Through formation, service, and social events, Jeff is inspired to see youth know they are loved by God, that they each have unique gifts and, by their baptism, are called to share that love and those gifts with all God's people.

Adult Formation (Age 13 - 113 years)

Various topics presented by guests and parishioners are explored throughout the program year on Sundays during the Discipleship Formation hour from 11:30-12:30. Check the newsletter or Sunday bulletin to see what is currently offered! Middle school and high school students are encouraged to attend along with their parents.

A note on Safeguarding God’s Children

We take the safety and security of your children very seriously. Please know that all our volunteers in our nursery and children’s programming are required to take the Safeguarding God’s Children training, a sexual abuse prevention program provided by the Episcopal Diocese. We also screen by application with references, complete a criminal background check and a sexual registry offenders check for all our volunteers.